Bounce House Etiquette and Safety for Children and Adults


Bounce houses are a beloved addition to parties and events, offering a space where children and even adults can jump, play, and have fun. However, ensuring that everyone enjoys the bounce house safely requires adherence to specific etiquette and safety guidelines. This article will delve into the essential do’s and don’ts for both children and adults when using a bounce house.

Setting Up the Bounce House

Location and Surface:

  • Do: Set up the bounce house on a flat, even surface free of sharp objects, rocks, and debris. Ensure the area is large enough to accommodate the bounce house and has a safe perimeter for play.
  • Don’t: Place the bounce house on an incline or rough surface. This can destabilize the structure and increase the risk of injuries.


  • Do: Properly anchor the bounce house using stakes or weights to prevent it from tipping over or being blown away by strong winds.
  • Don’t: Skip the anchoring process or use insufficient anchoring methods, as this compromises the safety of the structure.


  • Do: Always have a responsible adult supervise the bounce house. This person should be aware of the safety rules and ready to intervene if necessary.
  • Don’t: Leave children unattended in the bounce house. Lack of supervision increases the likelihood of accidents.

Safety Guidelines for Children

Age and Size Restrictions:

  • Do: Separate children by age and size to prevent accidents. Younger, smaller children should not bounce with older, larger children.
  • Don’t: Allow mixed-age groups to use the bounce house simultaneously. This increases the risk of collisions and injuries.

Footwear and Attire:

  • Do: Ensure all children remove their shoes before entering the bounce house. This prevents injuries and keeps the bounce house clean.
  • Don’t: Allow children to wear shoes, sharp accessories, or clothing with loose strings that could cause tripping or entanglement.

Behavior Inside the Bounce House:

  • Do: Encourage gentle bouncing and playing. Children should avoid roughhousing, somersaults, or flips, which can lead to injuries.
  • Don’t: Permit pushing, shoving, or aggressive behavior. Such actions can cause accidents and harm to other children.


  • Do: Adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended capacity for the bounce house. This includes the number of children and their combined weight.
  • Don’t: Overcrowd the bounce house. Exceeding capacity can strain the structure and increase the risk of accidents.

Entering and Exiting:

  • Do: Teach children to enter and exit the bounce house carefully and one at a time to avoid falls and collisions.
  • Don’t: Allow children to jump in and out of the bounce house, as this can lead to injuries.

Safety Guidelines for Adults

Adult Supervision and Participation:

  • Do: If adults are using the bounce house, they should be aware of their weight and the structure’s limits. Adult supervision remains crucial even if adults are also participating.
  • Don’t: Allow adults to participate without understanding the safety rules. Adults should avoid rough play and respect the bounce house’s capacity limits.

Behavior Inside the Bounce House:

  • Do: Encourage adults to engage in light, controlled bouncing. They should be mindful of their movements and avoid any actions that could destabilize the structure.
  • Don’t: Permit horseplay, flips, or wrestling among adults. These behaviors increase the risk of injury and damage to the bounce house.

Emergency Preparedness

First Aid:

  • Do: Have a basic first aid kit readily available. Supervisors should know how to use it and be prepared to address minor injuries.
  • Don’t: Ignore even minor injuries. Treating small injuries promptly can prevent more serious issues.

Weather Conditions:

  • Do: Monitor the weather. If strong winds, rain, or storms are forecasted, deflate and secure the bounce house to prevent accidents.
  • Don’t: Use the bounce house in adverse weather conditions. Wind can cause the bounce house to become airborne, posing serious risks.

Maintenance and Inspection

Regular Inspections:

  • Do: Regularly inspect the bounce house for wear and tear, including checking for holes, weak seams, and proper inflation.
  • Don’t: Use a bounce house that has visible damage or is not fully inflated. A compromised structure can lead to accidents.


  • Do: Clean the bounce house regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt, mold, and bacteria. Use mild soap and water, and ensure the structure is completely dry before storage.
  • Don’t: Store the bounce house while it is wet or dirty. This can cause deterioration of the materials and create health hazards.

Respect and Consideration

Sharing and Turn-Taking:

  • Do: Encourage children to take turns and share the bounce house. Implementing time limits can help manage this effectively.
  • Don’t: Allow one group of children to monopolize the bounce house. Ensuring everyone gets a fair turn promotes a fun and inclusive environment.

Respecting Rules:

  • Do: Clearly communicate the rules to all participants before they enter the bounce house. Having a visible list of rules can be helpful.
  • Don’t: Assume everyone knows the rules. Regular reminders and clear instructions help maintain safety and order.


Proper etiquette and safety practices are essential for ensuring that bounce houses remain a source of joy rather than a cause of accidents. By following these guidelines, both children and adults can enjoy the fun and excitement of bouncing in a safe and respectful manner.

Detailed Safety Guidelines

For Event Organizers and Parents

Pre-Event Planning:

  • Do: Choose a reputable rental company that adheres to safety standards and provides well-maintained equipment.
  • Don’t: Compromise on quality to save costs. Poorly maintained bounce houses are hazardous.


  • Do: Provide a brief orientation for all participants, highlighting key safety rules and behaviors.
  • Don’t: Skip the orientation. Even a short briefing can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

During the Event

Active Supervision:

  • Do: Designate a specific individual or team to oversee the bounce house at all times.
  • Don’t: Assume that adults nearby will automatically supervise. Clear responsibility ensures focused supervision.

Behavior Management:

  • Do: Intervene promptly if rough play or dangerous behavior is observed. Calmly but firmly reinforce the rules.
  • Don’t: Allow rule-breaking to continue unchecked. Consistent enforcement maintains a safe environment.


Deflation and Storage:

  • Do: Follow proper deflation and storage procedures as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Don’t: Neglect to clean and dry the bounce house before storage. Proper care extends the life of the equipment.

Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Bounce House Experience


  • Do: Use clear and simple language when explaining rules to children.
  • Don’t: Overcomplicate instructions. Keep it straightforward and easy to understand.

Positive Reinforcement:

  • Do: Praise children for following the rules and playing safely.
  • Don’t: Focus only on negative behaviors. Positive reinforcement encourages continued good behavior.

Creating a Safe Environment:

  • Do: Ensure that the bounce house area is well-lit and free of obstacles.
  • Don’t: Allow pets or other distractions near the bounce house. A distraction-free zone reduces accidents.

Special Considerations

Health Concerns:

  • Do: Ensure children with health conditions that could be exacerbated by physical activity are supervised closely.
  • Don’t: Ignore health concerns. Always consider a child’s physical limitations and consult with parents if needed.

Cultural Sensitivity:

  • Do: Respect cultural practices and preferences when organizing bounce house activities.
  • Don’t: Assume all children will participate in the same way. Cultural sensitivity promotes inclusivity and respect.


By following these comprehensive guidelines, event organizers, parents, and participants can ensure that bounce houses remain a source of joy and excitement while minimizing risks. Safety and respect are paramount, and with proper attention and care, everyone can enjoy a fun and safe bouncing experience.